Is it desirable to visit Bhutan in June? Weather Condition and Travel Suggestions for your Bhutan Tour in June

December,06 20190 COMMENTS

June is the start of summer in Bhutan, and the arrival of low tourist season. The southwest monsoon in the India Ocean has a strong impact on southern Bhutan. For mid and northern Bhutan, the influence of monsoon is lighter.

The regular tour routes focus on the midland. And as for trekkers, they usually go to the north of Bhutan. That is to say, tourists will be less affected by the monsoon, especially in the early half of June. At this time, the heavy rains have yet to arrive and skies are almost blue, therefore it is fine to visit Bhutan in June.

Bhutan Weather in June

Bhutan Weather in June

Visit Bhutan in the First Half of June

The first half of June sees less rainfall than the latter part of the month. Normally the early part of June sees mostly light showers that come on in the late afternoons, giving you more scope for sightseeing in the mornings. The monsoon rains mostly affect the southern parts of Bhutan through June, getting heavier further north as the month progresses.

Weather and Temperature of Major Destinations (1st, June to 15th, June)

Generally, temperatures in June Bhutan are warm with average highs of up to 23 degrees across the central region of the country, around Bumthang and Trongsa. In the west, temperatures are generally lower, with highs of up to 21 degrees in the areas around Thimphu and Paro.

Visit Paro Rinpung Dzong in rainy June

Visit Paro Rinpung Dzong in rainy June

Punakha is the first site included in the itinerary to see heavier rains, due to its lower altitude. The rains in the early part of the month can be slow to get going, but after the first week, it often gets much wetter, with heavy downpours that have been known to last all day. On average, Punakha is the wettest place that tourists will go, with around 640mm of rain throughout the month. However, while there may be more showers in Punakha in the first weeks of June, it can still be a pleasant place to visit. Average temperatures are a little higher due to the lower altitude, and are normally around 23-25 degrees.

In Paro and Thimphu, the weather is lighter and a little cooler, at the higher altitudes than Punakha. Averaging only 260-310mm of rain for the entire month in each location, the weather is much better for tourists. While Paro normally gets heavier rainfall from around the middle of the month, the heavy rain in Thimphu starts a little later, but is much heavier. The light breeze makes the two sites refreshing, less humid than the rest of summer.

In Bumthang and Trongsa, you can expect less rain than that in the capital, with only 260-290mm falling throughout the whole June. Most rainfall comes in the second half of the month as well, which means sightseeing and some light hiking in early June are still possible. The lighter rains of the first half of June normally come in the mid-evenings higher up, and in the late afternoons down on the valley floors.

Things to Do in Early June

Trek at the high altitudes

June is the early part of the monsoon season, but it is possible for a Bhutan trek at the high and dry place in early June. The lower-altitude treks are normally hit by the rains first, making the trails muddy and slippery. However, at higher altitudes, where the rains have not yet begun, some short treks are still open until the road gets too wet.

Enjoy the picturesque rhododendron blossoms

The famous rhododendron blossoms in Bhutan can be found all across the hillsides and mountain slopes of the country, and there are few places that you will visit that do not have some rhododendron forests or trees. The temple gardens of the Dzongs and Lhakhangs in Paro, Punakha, and Thimphu often have some prime examples of blooming rhododendrons in June, and in Punakha, the trees can be found in full bloom all along the edges of the valley. In Paro, Thimphu, and Punakha, the cities all have large parks with plenty of rhododendron trees that will be in full bloom at this time of year. Most of the public parks have rhododendron trees in them in Bhutan, so you do not usually have to go far to find them in bloom in June.

In Bhutan can be found rhododendron forests in everywhere

In Bhutan can be found rhododendron forests in everywhere

The hikes around Paro, including the Druk Path Trek and the Jomolhari treks, have some amazing rhododendron forests that you will pass through, which are usually in bloom still in June. Almost all of the treks at higher altitudes will have rhododendrons in full bloom still in June, as the trees bloom a little later in the higher altitude areas above 3,000 meters.

Visit Bhutan in the Second Half of June

As the second half of June comes along, the weather gets wetter across the country. Higher rainfall comes in earlier in the day, sometimes lasting all day long. By the last week of June, most of the higher altitude areas of Paro and Thimphu are also subject to heavier monsoon rains. However, it still does not last all day every day, and mostly comes in the afternoon, so the morning is clear enough for some sightseeing.

Weather and Climate of Major Destinations (16th, June to 30th, June)

Temperatures do tend to lift a little as June progresses, heading towards the height of summer and the rainiest period of the year - July and August. Paro and Thimphu see only a little increase in temperature, but with higher rainfall, so it is more humid. Punakha sees the highest increase in temperatures, lifting to around 24-25 degrees by the end of the month. Most of the rain that falls throughout June comes in the last two weeks of the month, as the monsoon increases intensity for the wetter periods later.

Bumthang and Jakar generally have lower rainfall than the western areas, because the hills that surround the four valleys of Bumthang tend to be the protection from the monsoon.

Best Places to Visit in Late June

Thimphu has many clear days in June, and generally has higher rainfall in the latter part of the month. This means that you can comfortably visit the Bhutanese capital longer than in most other popular tourist areas.

In Paro, the altitude of the hills around the city are higher than most, which means there is generally less rain in the northern are of the Dzongkhag. The higher-altitude treks are sometimes possible even later into June, as less rain in the higher areas means drier trails still. However, this cannot be guaranteed, and you should always check the local weather before trekking in June.

Treking Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Late June

Treking Tiger’s Nest Monastery in Late June

Punakha is a lower-altitude area that is well-known for its rice fields and lush vegetation. As June progresses, and the rains come more often, the rice fields turn bright green with the rains, and the lush verdant landscape is more beautiful than ever before.

Bumthang may see a little less rain throughout June than most places. June is a good month for festivals in Bumthang, including the Nimalung and Kurjey Tsechus, two of the largest and most popular festivals in Dzongkhag throughout the year.

Is June a good time for trekking in Bhutan?

Generally, June is not the best time for the Bhutan trekking. Rains coming in often drown out the lower-altitude treks, leaving the trains dangerous and muddy. However, it is still possible to trek along some of the higher altitude trails, as the rains often come later to these extreme altitudes in the summer months.

Druk Path trek in June

Druk Path trek in June

There is normally less rainfall in Bhutan in areas that exceed 3,000 meters. This makes June a good time to tackle the Lunana Snowman Trek, which runs across the top of the country, through the mountains. You can also find plenty of other treks in early June, including the Haa Trek, the Druk Path Trek, the Jomolhari Treks, the Dagala Lakes Trek, and the Samtengang Trek. As these are all higher altitude treks in Bhutan, the rains generally hit these areas later in June.

Is it safe to visit Bhutan in June?

Heavy monsoon rains in summer often cause landslides in Asia. So is it safe to visit Bhutan in June? The truth is the high level of forestation and stronger ground ensure there are much fewer landslides and mudslides in Bhutan throughout the monsoon season. This makes it safer than to visit the heavily deforested countries that are prone to lots of mudslides and landslides.

In addition, June is just the start of the monsoon season, especially the early half of this month. There are few downpours heavy enough to cause flooding. You won’t have any chance to be caught out in a sudden torrential downpour because your tour guide will choose the right time to take you around.

What to Pack for Visiting Bhutan in June?

Aside from the normal clothes you will need to bring, which are almost no different than you would maybe wear at home in the summer, you are advised to bring wet weather gear with you. Normal clothes means pants, jeans, t-shirts, and maybe a sweater or two in case it gets colder. Good quality hiking boots are better than shoes and trainers, as the ground can be wet and a little muddy. And bring along decent socks, and plenty of them to change if your feet get wet.

When it comes to rain gear, a good raincoat is normally enough, though it may help to being a decent hat as well, for both the sun and the rain, depending on the weather. If you do get caught out in the monsoon rain and get drenched, remember to take a shower and change into dry clothes as soon as possible. Not doing so can lead to fevers in Asia’s more sub-tropical climates, which would ruin your stay in Bhutan.

You may also want to bring plenty of waterproof Ziploc bags for your gadgets and things, to keep them from getting wet in a sudden and unexpected downpour. And they are useful for storing dry clothes in your day pack as well, so you have something to change into if you do get wet.


Contrary to what you may read elsewhere, although June is one of the low-season months, it is still possible to travel to Bhutan. June is just the start of the monsoon season, and sees a lot less rain than the rest of the summer months. So if you are looking for a good month for your off-peak budget tour of Bhutan, then June is definitely a good contender.

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