Bhutan in Winter: Weather Condition and Travel Guide for Bhutan Tours in Winter

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Winter in Bhutan is generally cold in the northern areas of the country, and a lot warmer in the south. Winter generally starts in late November, and continues right through to early March, depending on the year. Winter and summer is considerably longer than spring and autumn in Bhutan, which actually leaves only short peak seasons for tourism. However, while it can be cold in Bhutan in the winter months, it is actually a good time to visit if you want to get away from the crowds of tourists (Bhutan’s idea of crowded means more than four groups of tourists at the same attraction together), do not mind the colder weather, and are looking for a holiday in this exclusive kingdom for a little less than the peak season cost.

Bhutan Winter Weather Condition

From December to February, Bhutan’s northern areas can get very cold, but in the areas around Paro, Thimphu, etc. the weather is a little milder than in the high mountains, thanks to the valleys in which they lie. However, while the main cities may be in lower valleys, they do get some snow throughout the winter, though not normally enough to make travel impossible. The four main areas of Paro, Thimphu, Punakha, and Bumthang are all easily visited even in the winter months.

Bhutan tour in the winter months

Bhutan tour in the winter months.

Bhutan in December

Max. TempMin TempAve TempClear DaysRainfallSnowfall
Paro 12.6°C -1°C 6.2°C 29 4mm 12.8cm
Thimphu 12.1°C -1.7°C 5.2°C 29 4mm 12.8cm
Punakha 18.2°C 6.1°C 12.1°C 30 7mm 12.8cm
Bumthang 12.4°C -2.5°C 4.9°C 30 3mm 12.9cm

December is the real start of Bhutan winter, and when the snowfall can come to many of the central and northern areas of Bhutan. Daily temperatures can vary, depending on which location you are traveling to, and with its lower altitude, Punakha is one of the warmest valleys in this area of Bhutan in winter. Bumthang is one of the coldest in winter. However, with almost a full month of clear days and very little rainfall, December makes for a good month to travel to Bhutan. Daytime temperatures are often higher than those of London, in England, though the greater day/night difference makes the nights much colder.

Bhutan in December

December makes for a good month to travel to Bhutan

Bhutan in January

Max. TempMin TempAve TempClear DaysRainfallSnowfall
Paro 11.3°C -1.2°C 5°C 26 13mm 19.7cm
Thimphu 10.6°C -2.8°C 3.9°C 27 11mm 19.8cm
Punakha 16.8°C 4.9°C 10.8°C 29 15mm 19.4cm
Bumthang 11.1°C -3.7°C 3.7°C 29 6mm 18.7cm

January in Bhutan is the start of the heavier snowfall in the areas that get snow in northern Bhutan. Cities like Paro, Thimphu, and Jakar can often see up to 20cm of snow throughout the month, and nightly temperatures can drop to around and below freezing. However, daytime temperatures are still relatively warm, usually reaching as high as 12 degrees, though there is also a higher chance of rain at the start of the month than in December. Punakha, on the other hand, is a lot warmer than elsewhere, with daytime highs of up to 18 degrees and lows of only 7 degrees at night. This does not reduce the snowfall though, as the area around the valley of Punakha is mountainous and some parts are above 3,000 meters.

Bhutan in January

January in Bhutan is the start of the heavier snowfall

Bhutan in February

Max. TempMin TempAve TempClear DaysRainfallSnowfall
Paro 12.6°C 0.5°C 6.5°C 23 23mm 76cm
Thimphu 12.1°C -0.8°C 5.6°C 23 21mm 78cm
Punakha 18.7°C 7°C 12.8°C 27 18mm 76cm
Bumthang 12.7°C -1.2°C 5.7°C 26 11mm 71cm

February is the main month for snow in Bhutan, and the snowfall in the main tourist areas of the kingdom can reach a couple of feet deep in places. However, this is still no bar to getting around, with the exception of the very high passes such as Chele La Pass, on the between Paro and Haa, which reaches up to around 3,810 meters above sea level.

Bhutan in February

February is the main month for snow in Bhutan

How to Dress for Winter in Bhutan

What to wear when visit Bhutan in winter really depends on where you are traveling within the country. Some areas of Bhutan can get very cold in winter, while other areas are milder, and even downright warm, even at night. In the major tourist areas such as Paro, Thimphu, and Bumthang however, it can be chilly at night, and you will need some warmer clothing to wear. Hiking boots or shoes are the best kind of footwear for touring in Bhutan, even if you are not trekking. Most of the areas you will visit have dirt or gravel car parks and roads, and you will find hiking boots useful. Warm socks area a must, even if the days can get as warm as 8-18 degrees. If your feet are warm, you will feel warmer too.

Winter in Bhutan

You will need some warmer clothing to wear for winter in Bhutan

Sweaters and jackets are the order for the day when in Bhutan’s major tourist areas in winter. Days may seem warm with the sunny skies, but the weather is deceptive, and you will soon start to feel the chill in just a t-shirt. A few light layers are best to stay warm, with a warmer jacket and sweaters to wear in the evenings when it gets cold. Bring along decent trekking-style pants or cargo pants, as they will help keep your legs warmer, and long underwear can be useful if you are intending on trekking. Gloves, hats, and a scarf are also useful when it gets colder or out on the trails.

Recommended Bhutan Winter Trek

If you are looking for a good winter trek in Bhutan, you have several to choose from. The famous Druk Path Trek is a great short trek for winter trekkers, and takes you in a loop from Paro to Thimphu over the course of seven days. The Jomolhari Trek is also possible in winter, taking you to the base camp at Jangothang and ending just north of the capital, or you can take the shorter Jomolhari Loop Trek that starts and finishes at Gunitsawa Village.

The two best winter treks in Bhutan are usually noted as the Samtengang Winter trek and the Punakha Winter trek . The Samtengang trek is a unique four-day trek from Punakha to Wangdue Phodrang that is mostly done at altitudes below 2,000 meters. The Punakha trek is just three days, and takes you along the ancient footpath that runs from Thimphu to Punakha that was used by the monks heading to warmer climes for the winter months.

winter treks in Bhutan

Winter treks in Bhutan

Festivals of Bhutan in Winter

The Punakha Drubchen and Punakha Tsechu are two of the biggest winter festivals in Bhutan, and run one after the other, usually in late February, depending on the Bhutanese calendar. The Drubchen is the only festival in Bhutan that has a procession re-enacting the ancient 17th century war with Tibet, and the festival is full of dancing and singing, and is dedicated to the two major protective deities of Bhutan, Yeshe Gompo and Palden Lhamo.

The Druk Wangyel Tsechu in Thimphu, which is held in December, is the most unique festival in Bhutan, and is held as a tribute to the leadership of the Bhutanese king, His Majesty Jigme Singye Wangchuk, the Fourth King of Bhutan. Performed by the Bhutanese army rather than the local monks, the festival also celebrates the ability of the Royal Bhutan Army in protecting the sovereignty of the nation and the stability of its government.

Druk Wangyel Tsechu festival

Druk Wangyel Tsechu festival

The Trongsa Dzong is noted for being one of the grandest monuments in Bhutan, built on a ridge with more than 30 temples in the complex. The Trongsa Tsechu, held in December, is one of the oldest festivals in Bhutan, and it is widely believed that other Tsechus held across the country spread out from Trongsa Dzong in the 16th and 17th centuries. The festival features cham dances and performances, and the final day is heralded by the unrolling of a massive Thongdroel, a huge painting of Buddha on cloth.

The Nabji Lhakhang was the first temple to be built by Guru Rinpoche when he flew to Bhutan from Tibet, bringing peace to the two warring local kings. The Nabji Lhakhang Drub is a five-day event held in early December that hosts the dances pf Pema Lingpa, performed by the monks of the temple and the local villagers. The festival features many of the traditional cham dances of other Tsechus, but also includes the famous Naked Dance, held at midnight in a closed courtyard to bring fertility to the barren women of the area.

More Reasons to Visit Bhutan in Winter

As if the amazing things to see and the wonderful festivals are not enough to tempt you to come on a winter tour of Bhutan, there are also other reasons to come to this unique country in winter.

Visit Bhutan at a Cheaper Price

One of the reasons to visit Bhutan in winter is the price. In the peak seasons in Bhutan, the Minimum Daily Package cost in Bhutan is US$250 per day. This drops in the low seasons of winter and summer to only US$200 per day, yet still includes everything that you would get in the peak months as standard.

Enjoy a Clear View of the Himalayan Mountain Ranges in Bhutan

Winter is also one of the clearest times of the year for the Bhutanese skies. Little to no rain falls in winter, and the skies are bright and clear, with not a cloud in sight. This is a great time for those that want to view or get great photos of the high mountains of the Himalayas in northern Bhutan. And on clear, bright days from certain points in western Bhutan, you can even see as far as Mount Everest in the Sino-Nepal border.

Bhutan in winter

A clear view of the Himalayan Mountain ranges in Bhutan

Get a Closer Look at the Black-necked Cranes in Central Bhutan

Winter is the migrating season for the rare Black-Necked Cranes from northern Tibet, and the Phobjikha Valley in Wangdue Phodrang Dzongkhag is the winter nesting and feeding grounds for these amazing birds. As winter falls, the birds fly in from the north, circling the famous Gangteng Monastery three times before landing in the valley. At the end of winter, the birds again circle the monastery three times, as if in a ritual, before flying back off north to Tibet.


Winter in Bhutan may be a lot colder than spring, summer, and autumn, but that does not mean that it is out of the question to visit this unique isolated kingdom in the Himalayas. The weather is relatively mild for a mountainous country, and with low valley protected from the worst of the northeast monsoon, which brings in cold air from Siberia, you are not going to freeze in Bhutan in the winter months.

For a winter tour in Bhutan, you need to wear some warmer clothing. And a pair of hiking shoes is always the best choice of footwear no matter you do a typical trekking tour in Bhutan or just a leisure sightseeing. For more things to carry with you during your days in Bhutan in winter, you can contact us or leave your questions below, our experienced travel consultant will offer you more detailed guide.

Besides the general sightseeing in Bhutan, you can also do some trekking in winter. The most popular winter treks in Bhutan are the Samtengang winter trek and the Punakha winter trek. The classic Drunk Path trek and the Jomolhari trek are also available in winter.

Furthermore, winter is also a good time to experience kinds of traditional festivals in Bhutan, including the popular Punakha Drubchen and Punakha Tsechu.

And there are more advantages as well, including the price, the views, and the amazing wildlife. If you are thinking about travel to Bhutan in winter, just contact us to help you arrange your lifetime trip to the happiness kingdom.

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